Diagnostic Ultrasound Scans Bromsgrove

If you have noticed any changes in your body that have resulted in rising concerns, diagnostic ultrasound scans Bromsgrove can help ease some of your concerns, giving you insight into these changes and quick answers to your questions.

Ultrasound Care have been providing private diagnostic ultrasound scans since 2008, helping to provide peace of mind where concerns have been raised. There are a number of diagnostic scans available for both men and women, including gynaecology. For more information on any of these scans, please visit us online today.

How Diagnostic Ultrasounds Can Help

A diagnostic ultrasound scan is, more often than not, painless and non-invasive. Ultrasound scans use high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of your body. These images, known as sonograms, can be used to highlight any potential concerns within your internal organs. They can also indicate any changes within your body that may have occurred since a previous scan.

At Ultrasound Care, we provide diagnostic ultrasound scans that can highlight any potential concerns that you should then discuss further with your GP. Our scans can also be used to monitor any existing conditions that you may have.

Following every scan, our team compile a detailed report of all scan results that is sent over to your GP for further discussions with you.

If you are looking for a same-day appointment, give our team a call and we can try to accommodate your needs as much as possible!

Ultrasound Care’s Range of Diagnostic Ultrasound Scans

Here at Ultrasound Care, we understand that concerns can arise in both men and women; this is why we offer a wide range of diagnostic ultrasound scans for men and women.

Men’s Diagnostic Ultrasound Scans, Bromsgrove

  • Abdominal Scans
  • Prostate, Kidney & Bladder Scans
  • Scrotal/ Testicular Scans
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis Scans
  • Aortic Surveillance Scans

Women’s Diagnostic Ultrasound Scans, Bromsgrove

  • Abdominal Scans
  • Kidney, Ureter & Bladder Scans
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis Scans
  • Aortic Surveillance Scans

We also offer a range of gynaecology scans for women, including:

  • Pelvic Well-Being Scans
  • Post Menopause Scans
  • Fertility Scans
  • Anomaly Scans
Diagnostic Ultrasound Scans in Bromsgrove - lady scanning mans stomach

It is important to note that we do not offer pregnancy scans at Ultrasound Care. Please visit our sister clinic Peek A Baby Bromsgrove for more on pregnancy scans and NIPT Tests.

There can often be a stigma surrounding private ultrasound scans and not feeling comfortable discussing or having a scan. At Ultrasound Care, we aim to make every client feel comfortable and relieve anxiety where possible. If you have worries, please let our team know and we can talk through these with you.

Ultrasound Care Bromsgrove

If you would like to book an appointment with us at Ultrasound Care Bromsgrove, contact us online today to book at your convenience, or give our Bromsgrove clinic a call on 01527 910228. Our team are on hand to help guide you to the right scan for your circumstances.