The Importance of Scrotal/Testicular Scans for Men

Testicular cancer in the UK is the 17th most common cancer in males according to Cancer Research.

With this in mind, it is highly important for men to perform self-checks and book their scrotal/testicular scans if required.

If you are experiencing pain, tenderness or swelling around the testicles, it is important to contact your doctor or book your private ultrasound scan today! Should you happen to feel a lump, it is also important to inform your GP.

How to Check Yourself At Home

Much like women, men can do self-checks at home to be sure of any changes within their body. For men, it is important to check once a month at home.

For further advise on this, speak to your GP.

When to Book Your Scan

If you have detected any kind of change during your self check, you can book your private ultrasound scan with your local Ultrasound Care clinic.

Our Scrotal/ Testicular Scan is a non-invasive scan that helps detect any problems within the scrotal region. Our team are highly skilled and act with complete discretion at every appointment. Once your scan is complete, a report will be compiled and sent through to your GP for further discussion with you.

Contact Ultrasound Care

If you are looking to book your private ultrasound scan, contact your local Ultrasound Care clinic today on the number below. Our team provides a calm environment for everyone to reduce anxiety and act with complete discretion and confidentiality at all times.

You can contact our team today with any questions you may have before booking your scan or book online with us at your convenience.