Aortic Surveillance Scans
An aortic scan is a painless procedure that provides a clear image of your aorta, it can detect any blood clots or plaque by checking the shape and size of the aorta, it will look at the condition of the aorta and can monitor the dilation and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
An aortic surveillance scan may be suggested if you have a family history of AAA or a pulsatile abdominal mass, an aortic scan can be performed on men and women, the symptoms you may be experiencing are trouble breathing, low blood pressure, sudden intense abdomen pain, chest or back pain and trouble swallowing, or if you have noticed an unusual swelling around the abdominal area. But sometimes and it is quite common not to have any symptoms at all.

When to call…
If you are experiencing any of the problems above, or something just does not feel right and you are struggling to be seen by your doctor, why not give us a call here at Ultrasound care and book an appointment. Our experienced sonographers will take around 20 minutes to perform an aortic surveillance scan, a full report will then be complied to you GP to follow up.
It is more common for men and women over the age of 65 to have AAA.If you are experiencing any of the problems above, or something just does not feel right and you are struggling to be seen by your doctor, why not give us a call here at Ultrasound Care and book an appointment. Our experienced sonographers will take around 20 minutes to perform an aortic surveillance scan, a full report will then be compiled to your GP to follow up.
The aortic surveillance scan only costs £49 and we will ask that you do not eat anything 6-8 hours before the scan, you may continue to drink clear fluids such as water, tea, or coffee (without milk)
Call us today on Birmingham 0121 507 9901 or Bromsgrove 01527 910228.