Post Menopause Scans
Many women suffer with post-menopausal syndrome, when you are in the menopause (when you haven’t had a period for the last 12 months) you may find the symptoms that you experienced may carry on for an average of four to five years. This is called being post-menopausal.
These symptoms include irritability, mood swings, hot flushes, insomnia, depression, headaches and irregular bleeding.
If you are worried about any of the above symptoms or have a family history of ovarian cancer or are suffering from irregular bleeding, abdominal bloating or are still dealing with the after-effects of HRT why not give us a call to book in for a Post Menopause Scan.
After the menopause there is a decrease in estrogen production, women’s bodies are less able to retain calcium so It is recommended that some women take supplements after menopause to try and elevate some of the symptoms, a calcium supplement can be beneficial or eating calcium-rich foods such as low-fat milk, dairy and yoghurt, calcium helps to maintain strong bones
How can Ultrasound Care help?
Here at Ultrasound care, we can carry out a post-menopausal scan; this is mainly to check the size, condition and shape of the ovaries, uterus and the lining of the womb. The Post Menopause Scan will be able to detect any ovarian cysts and any pelvic inflammatory diseases; we can also use this scan to monitor the effects of HRT.

In preparation for your Post Menopause Scan, we ask that you wear loose clothing and arrive with a full bladder (it is recommended that you drink 3-4 pints of water at least 1 hour before the scan) An ultrasound probe will be applied to the lower abdomen, you may also be offered a transvaginal scan, this is an internal examination and of course, would only be done with your consent.
At Ultrasound Care strict guidelines are followed when carrying out our scanning procedures. We comply with all the relevant requirements and are registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
Contact us today to book in for your Post Menopause Scan.
Book online or call us on Birmingham: 0121 507 9901 or Bromsgrove: 01527 910228