Women’s Health & Gynaecology

Gynaecology scans for women - fertility image for women with flowers

Women’s health is very important! Your health is something you should take care of and be aware of in case anything changes. Women can be at higher risk of developing certain conditions than men and therefore must stay on top of tests and checks to ensure optimum health. A part of women’s health is gynaecology.…

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The Importance of Private Ultrasound Scans

Ultrasound Equipment

Private ultrasound scans are incredibly important for both men and women. They are designed to be medical diagnostic scans, showing your GP what is the cause of your pain or discomfort. Benefits for Men and Women Ultrasound scans are often assumed to be a pregnancy scan for an expectant mum but this is not the…

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Ultrasound Scans

Doctor talking to a man by a scanning machine

An ultrasound scan is a diagnostic tool used by radiologists to create an image. These images can be used to diagnose any internal conditions or for pregnancy scans. Here at Ultrasound Care, we have a number of ultrasound scans for both men and women, ensuring that you are given the best quality service and results…

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What are Abdominal Scans?

Abdominal Ultrasound Scans - what are they? Man receiving abdominal ultrasound

Abdominal scans are similar to pregnancy scans in that they use ultrasound technology to produce an image showing the structure and blood flow within the abdominal region. These scans are designed for examination of the internal organs, tissues, blood vessels and structures within the abdomen, allowing doctors to detect any problems that may be present.…

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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

DVT Scans blog, DVT image with symptoms and book now

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)? Deep Vein Thrombosis, more commonly known as DVT, is when a blood clot develops within a deep vein. Blood clots are simply when blood has clumped together and formed into a solid state within the vein. DVT can be dangerous! If you think you are suffering with this, seek…

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Gallbladder Cancer

Gallbladder Cancer concerns blog - x-ray image of gallbladder

The gallbladder is a smallish organ found at the top of your tummy; its main use is to help you digest food. Gallbladder cancer can be found in any part of the gallbladder. It is usually noticed and found if someone is having treatment for other conditions such as gallstones. Symptoms to look out for…

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Spleen Problems

Some people are born without a spleen or may need to have it removed if they get an illness or injury. Where is the spleen? The spleen is about the size of a fist and is in the upper left side of your abdomen, just behind your left ribs and next to your stomach. What…

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Pancreatic Cancer

Anyone can get pancreatic cancer, it is not always clear what can cause it but studies show you are more likely to get it if you are older, it is not very common in people under 40 but is more common in people over the age of 75, also If you have a history of…

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Liver cancer

Liver Cancer Liver cancer can be found anywhere in the liver. The liver is situated at the top right-hand side of your tummy-Its main function is to digest food and remove toxins. Liver cancer can start in your liver, or spread to it from another organ, depending on where the cancer is in your liver,…

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The appendix is a small pouch, approximately 5-10 cm long and it is connected to the large intestine. No one really knows what the appendix does, in most people it causes no trouble so is just left alone. However, if you notice some pain in the middle of your tummy that comes and goes, if…

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